Friday, July 25, 2014

F. GMO Labeling - No Excuses

GMO labeling is based on a simple question.  Do you or don't you believe American consumers should have the basic human right to know what they are eating?  If not - end of discussion.  Put a period.  Move on.  If we shouldn't have that right, then food manufacturers should not have to indicate whether a food is genetically engineered.  And they may as well stop listing food ingredients on labels, as well.  And why shouldn't food processors be allowed to add whatever they want to our food without telling us, like they do in China
       On the other hand, if we should have the right to know what we are eating, then it makes sense to discuss the ways in which that right can be actualized.  The position of some thinkers seems to be that letting people know what they are eating would be impractical, impossible, too expensive, etc.  This position seems either designed to entirely distract us from the rights question or to imply, without saying it directly, that this right to know is not worth protecting.  I can understand people who don't care about their health nor about what they put in their mouths who believe that the right to know what they are eating is completely insignificant, and therefore, not worth protecting or actualizing. 
       I'm sure there are, likewise, citizens who never cast votes in a civil election and who would not mind giving large corporations the power to select public officials, especially if that resulted in the non-voters saving a couple dollars on their taxes.  If the process of giving every eligible citizen the power to vote was ten times more expensive than it is, we should still have the right to vote.  I never heard that human rights are cheap.   From the beginning of this Nation, a lot of men and women have given their lives to protect our rights.  But, then again, look how we treat surviving war veterans (
      I believe that people should have the right to know what they are eating.  My principle concern in regard to that right and the focus of this blog post is GMOs.  I want  to  be able to tell if the food, or any part of the food, I might purchase from store shelves, store freezers, deli counters, farmer's markets, etc. is genetically engineered.
       One way to let me know if food is genetically engineered is to attach a note to the food with the letters "GMO".  Another method would be to include those letters on the label in the already required list of ingredients.  How would this come about?  One way would be for food producers, manufacturers, and marketers to recognize and respect consumers' rights and voluntarily label foods sold for human consumption that have been wholly or partly genetically engineered.
       When that fails to happen, the other way GMO labeling would occur is to require it by law.  For the law to be effective I think there are some provisions which would probably be indispensable.  One provision would be a definition of GMOs.  One could start with the World Health Organization's definition: "Organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally."  I would prefer replacing "altered in a way that does not occur naturally" with "altered by human bioengineering".  This would clarify that GMOs are not the product of hybridization, cross-pollination, or mutations occurring independent of human intervention .
       The law would also need to make clear that GMO labeling requirements apply only to food marketed for human ingestion.  For example, if a dairy cow given rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), is slaughtered, the blood may be comingled with blood from cows not genetically modified.  If the blood is sold to a cosmetics firm for use in lipstick and nail polish, the blood would not have to be labeled as GMO because it would not be food sold for human ingestion.
      The law would also need to specify what is NOT a GMO.  Unless an animal is genetically engineered, it would not have to be lableled as GMO when sold for human ingestion.  However, any animal, GMO or not, that has been fed genetically modified feed, should be prohibited from being labeled as "natural" or "organic".
                                                GMO LAW PROVISION #4
      I read in a diary comment that one reason why GMO labeling would cost so much is that grains such as wheat are comingled in this country and that to change the system to keep GMO and non-GMO wheat separated would cost billions.  Pretty alarming?  According to, there is no GMO wheat being marketed in the U.S.  Corn is the only GMO grain being grown for commercial consumption by Americans.  Approximately 80% of the corn grown in the U.S. is GMO. 
       Since there is the possibility of GMO and non-GMO foods being comingled, an additional provision to the GMO labeling law seems to be desirable.  That provision would be that if GMO food such as corn is comingled with non-GMO food, the resulting mixture should be labeled as GMO.  
      Another example would involve milk containing rBGH.  If rBGH milk is mixed together with non-GMO milk, the resulting mixture should be designated as GMO.
This eliminates the need to change the existing food processing system to keep GMO and non-GMO foods such as grains separated.  The alternative solution for food processors would be to not accept GMO product.
        Some diarists would like us to believe that GMO labeling would be an unreasonable, impractical, and technologically challenging burden for the food industry which will result in higher food prices for consumers.   If you would like to see how wrong they are, read about why GMO labeling won't increase food pricesThere is also an article at  that asserts that the cost of changing food labels is negligible.
    If GMO labeling is non-feasible, why and how do 30% of the world's countries have GMO labeling regulations (  Are their GMO laws flawless?  No law is flawless.  But the fact that legislators in these countries passed GMO labeling laws testifies to their willingness to give human rights and the Common Good priority over corporate profits.
      I don't believe that GMO labeling would raise the retail cost of food.  But, if I'm wrong, so what?  Public parks, schools, and libraries cost money.  So do voting machines.  Not everyone values those things.  Nevertheless, they are parts of the Common Good and reasonable people would agree that the quality of American life would be diminished without these things.
       I can almost understand some Americans' willingness to give up their right to privacy for increased national security.  But are we really willing to trade the right to know what we are eating for cheaper food?  What's next?  Trading libraries, schools, and parks for cheaper taxes?  
       Where would we be today if the Founding Fathers had opted to keep prices and taxes down while preserving their own personal fortunes rather than to fight for the human rights of the American colonists? 
        The sad thing is that there is enough money in this country to maintain the quallity of the Common Good and for everyone who wants one to have a job that provides a healthful living wage.   (for documentation see    The problem?  Millionaires and billionaires are allowed to get wealthier while the lower 90% of income earners lose net worth (see, A. Economic Inequality, #2. Net Worth).  That, and politicians are addicted to spending money that isn't theirs for unnecessary wasteful purposes that do nothing to enhance nor maintain the Common Good.  (For a discussion of wasteful government spending go to the National Debt post.)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

E. Response to Rep. Boehners' plan/wish to sue the President over EPA carbon limit proposal


  The Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner seems to be upset by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposal that would decrease carbon emissions from coal-burning power plants by 30% by 2030.  I can't help wondering why he would consider suing President Obama.  Speaker Boehner professes to believe that increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon and more rapidly diminishing polar ice caps and glaciers occurring simultaneously is nothing more than coincidence.  But I can't believe that at some quiet moment as he is worshiping in church or as he is quietly laying in bed waiting for sleep, that he has not wondered if there is even a slight chance that the majority of the world's climate scientists are sincere and may even be right this time.
       Or does the congressman believe there is a conspiracy to ruin the world's economy by bankrupting the fossil fuel industry?  Who could have organized this effort and what would their motive be?  What would the motive of all those climate scientists be in going along with this subterfuge?  The reader may share my next thought. What is more believable, that there is a mysterious, inexplicable conspiracy to bankrupt the world's fossil fuel industry or that the present rapid rate of climate change is due to human activity?
      Assuming those who say they believe scientists are deliberately misrepresenting the truth are not themselves paranoid-delusional, what is motivating them to favor the fossil fuel industry over alternative renewable sources of energy?  Let's first consider the effects of shutting down more coal-burning power plants.  At the end of 2011, coal and oil-fired power plants were responsible for 62% of the arsenic pollution in the country and 50% of the mercury pollution according to the EPA (    Power plants are also a source of fine particulate matter.  "Once inhaled, these particles can affect the heart and lungs and cause serious health effects" (
       Then there is acid precipitation which includes not only acid rain but also acid fog or mist, acid snow, acid dust and acid gas.  "All of these can be formed in the atmosphere and fall to Earth causing human health problems, hazy skies, environmental problems and property damage....Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the principal pollutants that cause acid precipitation....Power plants burning coal and heavy oil produce over two-thirds of the annual SO2 emissions in the United States" (
        According to, the National Academy of Sciences did a study in 2009 to "calculate the impact of fossil fuel burning on our health care system. The result: $120 billion per year of health care costs that are directly related to burning fossil fuels in America. The costs were about even between coal and oil. In 2011, Scientific American reported the healthcare burden of fossil fuels equated to 30,100 premature deaths each year – with 5,130,000 workdays lost."
         Considering the costs of increased health care, property and environmental damage one must wonder why Boehner et. al. are so concerned about coal plants having to close because they can't meet the proposed carbon emission requirements?   I wonder if Boehner is aware of a report that claims that 353 out of 1,169 coal generating plants in 31 states are ripe for retirement.   They are reportedly "old, inefficient, dirty, and no longer economically competitive" (  Change happens, things get old.  Would Boehner like all coal plants to operate forever?  What is the value in that compared to the increasing cost of the energy they produce?
    One must also consider the possible effects of the EPA proposal on the coal mining industry.  As older coal-powered plants close but are not replaced by new coal burning plants, the demand for coal will decrease.  That is, unless the plants that remain open decide to operate at a greater capacity than they do now.
        What would be the effects of a decreased demand for coal?  How about less acid mine drainage (AMD)?  According to an article at by J.Raymund Hoffert of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, most coal mines discharge acid-impregnated mine water.  Streams and other waterways contaminated with AMD cannot maintain a healthy Ph balance.  In some cases, algae, insects, and fish are not able to survive in these waterways.
        Since there are better regulations these days for underground coal mine shafts, sinkholes and troughs due to old coal mine subsidence will hopefully occur less frequently in the future.  Subsidence has caused very serious property damage.  Prevention of damage from mine subsidence, of course, requires funding and manpower.
       Decreased demand for coal would mean the preservation of more beautiful rolling forested mountain tops.  Since carbon-related global warming is a reality to me, I feel compelled to point out that removing forests from the ground in order to get to the coal underneath "doubles" the effect of global warming.   The trees cannot absorb the carbon from the coal they once grew over since the trees will be dead by the time the coal is burned.  As the leaves and wood of the forest trees decay. even more carbon will be released into the atmosphere.
      Mountain top removal has advantages for the coal companies but it's a lose/lose proposition for environmental quality and for all of us who will suffer from the negative effects of global warming.
      As we consider the effects of less coal mining, we should not overlook the burning coal refuse banks and underground coal mine fires that can last for years.  These are sources of pollution without the benefits of producing electricity.  One could expect their incidence to decrease in frequency as less coal is mined.
       If I had the opportunity to say a few words to Speaker Boehner they would be these:  "So what if global warming isn't being driven by increased emissions of carbon?  Consider the other benefits of decreased coal mining.
  1. Decreased arsenic and mercury pollution.
  2. Decreased health care costs for problems related to small particulate matter.
  3. More beautiful forested mountains remaining intact.
  4. Less property damage due to acid precipitation.
  5. Less pollution from out of control coal fires.
  6. More market opportunities for cleaner sources of energy.
  7. The accompanying increase in job opportunities.
  8. More workers would be available to do the work of remediating the negative effects of underground and open pit coal mining.
      "Perhaps you should consider encouraging the EPA to set even stricter standards for coal-powered generator carbon emissions.  Does it not seem like the sooner coal goes the way of the dinosaur, the better off everyone will be?"
     One disadvantage to closing coal-powered plants is the money that will be lost by the owners/stock holders of the plants and the coal mines from which the coal comes.  How much money do our congressional representatives have invested in the fossil fuel industry?  And how much money from the fossil fuel industry fuels their campaign coffers?  This sounds like a more logical reason for politicians to be upset with the EPA proposal than the idea of jobs being lost.  If they really cared about jobs, they would raise taxes on the very rich, whose fortunes have been enhanced by their investments in the fossil fuel industries.  That extra federal income could be used to gainfully  employ laid off coal workers in remediating the environmental damage caused by the last two centuries of coal mining.
        There is another possible explanation for the resistance of certain powerful people in our society to the proposed EPA carbon emissions standard.  Might it be all about power?  It has been said that he who controls the food supply controls life.  What about he who controls the energy supply?  Alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar don't need to be supplied through the grid.  If solar energy develops to the point where it can supply all one's energy needs, one could conceivably live independent of the grid.  The question is, do those who now control the energy industry feel threatened by that possibility?

Friday, June 27, 2014

D. The way we are and where we're going

(Post D of 
by R. Geiger

One may wonder if homo sapiens is the most intelligent species.  I wonder if man is the only animal intelligent enough to engineer its own extinction.

 1. Responsibility and Accountability

      Someone told me about a book by Guy McPherson that postulates that human extinction is now inevitable due to the advanced stages of global warming.  I have not read the book but I have been trying to figure out who or what is responsible for the present condition of the world.  I confess that I have not been the most responsible caretaker of the Earth.  I tend to leave lights turned on as I go from room to room at night.  I don't drive an electric car nor do I plan ahead so as to decrease the number of automobile shopping trips I need to take.  
    On the other hand, I purchase alternative sources of electricity (wind and solar).  I am pretty fanatical about reusing, recycling, composting, etc.  I don't use the handicap entrance door to the shopping mall unless I am escorting someone in a wheelchair.  But, no matter how many positive things I do to decrease my carbon footprint, I could do more.  I accept responsibility for the fact that the world would be better off except for my ignorance, short comings and lack of caring.  That's not a comfortable admission.
     To change my behavior would be inconvenient and perhaps uncomfortable.  But, what if I knew, with 100% certainty, that my failure to change would result in a slightly accelerated rate of extinction of the human race?  Would my age make a difference in how I would react to that news?  If I knew I was destined to be one of the last human survivors, rather than dying prior to the final end, would I try harder to make human life last a little longer?  If I had young children, would making positive changes be any easier?  If I worked for a large corporation, would my viewpoint be completely different?  If I were impoverished, would I be as indifferent to the future of the human race as I would be if I were a millionaire?  If I were convinced that human extinction is simply a matter of time, would I do anything differently?
      I cared about the environment, social justice, etc. thirty years ago.  Why do I seem to feel more concerned now?  Thirty years ago the Monarch butterfly population in North America had not decreased by 90% (  The bee population was not dramatically decreasing at that time due to neonicotinoid pesticides (  The earth had less carbon in the atmosphere, more glacial and polar ice at that time and less frequent violent storms.  There were fewer cases of lung cancer, obesity and diabetes.  There were fewer millionaires and billionaires. There were also about 2.5 billion fewer people in the world.
     Since then, there seems to have been a shift in general perception.  In 1984 we did not seem to look at everything in terms of economics.  Today, it seems that anything that creates, contributes to or results in economic growth is seen as intrinsically good.  I understand there is a book called The End of Growth that presents the idea that the world has exhausted its growth potential.  I am not sure why but that concept seems completely believable rather than surprising.
     In 1984 values like natural beauty, basic human rights, the common good, an end to poverty, a less polluted environment and human health seemed to have a higher priority.  Today, these seem to be relegated to the proverbial back burner.  They still matter, but financial prosperity matters more.  In 1984, a world population of four billion seemed like a serious issue.  Today, people don't even seem to flinch at seven billion  and growing.  I suspect that greater numbers of people are now seen as more potential consumers/customers in need of more goods and services which translates to increased profits for the Upper Class.  It seems to me that more people aspire to, admire, and/or bow to the Upper Class these days.  There are many more rich and powerful people than there were and they are richer and more influential than they were thirty years ago.
        The deference to the wealthy has crept from the Corporate World to the Government and to many of my fellow citizens.   That deference is directly related to the absence of accountability that I perceive to be permeating our society.  What do I mean by accountability and why does it matter?
      Let's take the example of an automobile accident involving two moving vehicles.   It is determined that one driver was driving carelessly.  If the careless driver denies responsibility for the accident and fails to make restitution for the damage done to the other car, the other driver may choose to hold the careless driver accountable.  If the other driver does not press the issue the careless driver may never be forced to be accountable for the accident.
       Accountability is related to responsibility.  Whatever a person causes to happen as a result of an action or decision, is something for which that person is responsible.  Whether the person willingly accepts responsibility on a verbal level, an intellectual level, an emotional level, or not at all, is a different question.  If a person denies responsibility, someone else may choose to force or call the denier to be accountable.  If this does not happen, the denier may never choose to accept responsibility.
      To accept responsibility on an emotional level is probably helpful for personal growth.  To be held accountable by another or others may be necessary before an irresponsible person willingly accepts personal responsibility.
      Is forgiveness related to accepting responsibility for wrong doing?  It is possible and desirable to forgive oneself for wrong doing.  But one cannot forgive oneself until one accepts personal responsibility for the wrong doing.
     It may be possible to forgive another for wrong doing without the wrong doer accepting personal responsibility.  To forgive in that instance, without calling the wrong doer to account, may appeal to the passive side of the forgiver's human nature.  It is not, however, in the best interest of the wrong doer nor is the passive approach in the best interest of the Common Good.  People who refuse to accept responsibility for the negative effects of their actions and decisions tend to continue to have negative impacts on others.  The same is true of corporations.
      Once upon a time a large corporation was formed for the purpose of mass producing an artificial sweetener, Saccharine, later discovered to cause cancer in rodents.  The corporation continued to produce and sell the suspected carcinogen.  They subsequently developed and produced PCBs and Agent Orange.  They also use market Acceleron, a seed treatment that can contain neonicotinoid pesticides.   Not once have they accepted  responsibility for the negative effects of any of these synthetic chemicals.  Nor has the corporation been held accountable by the U.S. government.  Now they are producing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) for food production and spending millions to deny people the right to know which foods contain the GMOs.  This is one example of what can happen when people and corporations are not held accountable for the negative effects of their actions and decisions.
2. The Road to Extinction
      There are two related factors, which, taken together, may result in the extinction of human life as we know it.  The first factor is the value system I call Materialism which has insinuated itself into American society and most of the rest of the world.   For an explanation of Materialism refer to, Section D.  The second factor is a lack of accountability by large corporations.
       If bees become extinct or diminished to the point where there are not enough left for all the  agricultural crops that need to be pollinated by bees, it will be a very serious problem.  The result could be widespread food shortages and higher food prices.  Research suggests that bee colony collapses are due to exposure of the bees to neonicotinoid pesticides.  These pesticides are sold by Syngenta, Bayer, and Monsanto.  For more information on the research and these companies' campaign to discredit the research, check out  Besides being used in agriculture, these bee-toxic pesticides are applied to garden plants and garden seeds sold in retail stores.
       If the companies that produce and market pesticides containing neonicotinoids were to act responsibly toward the environment and American citizens, they would willingly stop producing and selling products containing these chemicals.  Instead, they prefer to continue making billions of dollars from selling their bee-killer chemicals.  If, in the event that bees become extinct as an effect of these pesticides, the owners and employers of the companies that produce, market, and distribute these pesticides should have to take the place of the bees by hand pollinating the food crops of this country under the supervision of migrant farm workers.  If that would be an actual consequence, neonicotinoids would disappear from the American marketplace in very short order. 
      As it is, these people will face no consequences.  The dead bees can't sue them.  By the time the government decides to act, the bees will probably already be gone.  The Federal government often sides with large corporations like Monsanto.  Perhaps the most effective way to hold these corporations accountable is for consumers to boycott their products.

 3. Boycotting
      I haven't heard of any corporations stepping up and admitting responsibility for the damage resulting from anti-biotic resistant super pathogens, Rodeo Roundup resistant super weeds, pesticide-resistant super insect pests nor the disappearing Monarch butterflies.   Are we willing to boycott the products of socially/environmentally irresponsible companies?
      Perhaps more to the point, is it worth it?  Boycotting products can mean inconvenience, delayed gratification, cranky kids, going the extra mile, possibly aggravating your boss (if you work for a large corporation or a politician).
       How many people are going to stand with you (other than me, of course)?  We can't count on people who work for large corporations.  As Upton Sinclair wrote, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on him not understanding it."  Politicians are often dependent on large corporations for campaign contributions.  So we can't depend on them nor on the government employees who answer to them.  Many in the Upper Class work for large corporations or own large corporation stock.  But that still leaves a potential of millions of people who own/work for small businesses as well as the unemployed and the non-Upper class retired population to boycott irresponsible large corporations.
      If you choose to join the struggle, go to, Post G. Boycott these.
       Those of us who care must stick together and act together for the sake of the Common Good.  The very survival of the human race as we know it depends on us.

If you feel so moved, I encourage you to make copies of this article and share them with others.

Friday, June 13, 2014

B. GMO Opinionated Fact Sheet


    GMO Opinionated Fact Sheet
      According to Wikipedia, "Genetic engineering (GE), also called genetic modification, is.....the changing of an organism's genome using biotechnology. These methods are recent discoveries....  
 An organism that is altered by genetic engineering is a genetically modified organism (GMO).  The first GMOs were bacteria in 1973..." 
    GMO s are NOT the result of cross pollination or hybridization.
    According to, "A GMO is an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there."  The World Health Organization defines GMO as "organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally." (

  According to the USDA the production of genetically engineered (GE) crops such as cotton, soy beans, and corn has increased dramatically in this country since 1996.  In 2013, 76-85% of corn, 75-82% of cotton, and 93% of soybeans grown in the country were GMOs.  The Obama Administration has approved the unrestricted growing of genetically engineered alfalfa.  Herbicide-tolerant crops are those that are genetically engineered to survive the effects of herbicides that kill weeds and which are strong enough to kill the crop as well except for the genetic modification.   The corn, cotton, and soybean GE crops referred to above include herbicide tolerant varieties.  The corn and cotton GE crops also include insect-resistant varieties.  These crops contain a gene from soil bacteria which produces a protein that is toxic to specific insect pests.

      GMO Yellow Crookneck Squash and Zucchini contain protein genes that protect against viruses.

     "To increase the quantity of milk produced, cows are often given rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), which is also banned in the European Union, as well as in Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia." (
   GE is not limited to plant and animal food.  There is cotton, of course. (Although cottonseed oil is an ingredient in a number of processed foods.)  There are the cats that are modified to glow in the dark and multi-colored, glow-in-the-dark aquarium fish.

        You may be wondering why anyone would want to manipulate genes.  The short answer is money.  There is money to be made selling Genetically Engineered products.  Monsanto, the largest manufacturer of Genetically Engineered products, earned almost $1.5 billion dollars in the three months ending on February 13, 2013.
      The "official" reason for growing GMOs is to save people in third world countries from starving, to lower food costs, to save water, to increase crop productivity.
       So why are some of us opposed to GMOs?  Some people believe GMO consumption can and/or has made some people ill.  Some people think gene manipulation is contrary to God's will.  Some think GMOs threaten the quality of the environment.   Some fear that GMOs will make the world's overpopulation crisis worse.  Some people don't like being treated as human guinea pigs.
       I think, regardless of these objections, that GMOs are here to stay. Even if some new disaster arises that affects the majority of people, it would probably be extremely difficult if not impossible to scientifically prove that specific GMOs were the cause.
       Are GMOs absolutely necessary?  In my opinion, no. (I just read the nation of Bhutan has decided to go 100% organic.)  The alternative, however, would require a massive shift to humans living in harmony with Nature, which those in power would not favor.  I can't imagine how the American Upper Class would survive such a shift. 
GMOs and the LAW
An article in the August, 2009 issue of Scientific American ( explains that big agrotech companies such as Monsanto, Pioneer and Syngenta  require the purchasers of genetically modified seeds to sign an agreement that prohibits the seeds from being used for independent research.  "Under the threat of litigation, scientists cannot test a seed to explore the different conditions under which it thrives or fails. They cannot compare seeds from one company against those from another company. And perhaps most important, they cannot examine whether the genetically modified crops lead to unintended environmental side effects."  From the companies' viewpoint such measures are necessary to protect intellectual property, and they certainly don't want anyone else producing and selling "knock-offs".
      According to this article, research on genetically engineered seeds,  presumably those supplied to scientists by the seed companies, has been published.  But only those studies approved by the seed companies are published in peer-reviewed journals.  I suspect that the researcher is required to agree not to publish findings until the seed company approves the research.
       This may be related to the following incident.  There was a congressional bill passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in March, 2013.  In an article entitled "Critics Slam Obama For 'Protecting' Monsanto" by Lindsey Boerma, CBS News (March 28, 2013) (, it was reported that a provision was surreptitiously included in that bill which "protects genetically modified seeds from litigation suits over health risks posed by the crops' consumption."  That should have read "protects the manufacturer" (one of which is Monsanto).  If Monsanto is so convinced that GMOs are safe, I can't help wondering why they would be worried about losing law suits.  In their defense, it is costly even for a multi-billion dollar international corporation to defend itself in court.  On the other hand, I can't imagine Congress taking away the right of American citizens to sue car companies that decide to suppress information about safety defects rather than issuing prompt recalls. 
         Monsanto does not want people to sue it, but it is not shy about suing farmers for patent infringement.  According to its own website (, Monsanto has filed lawsuits against American farmers 145 times since 1997.  These suits are prompted by farmers who save seed from GMO crops they have grown in order to plant the seed next season.   Monsanto claims it "catches" most violators as a result of other neighboring farmers reporting the GMO seed savers.  It seems to me that if a farmer discontinues buying Monsanto seed each year, all Monsanto needs to do is send investigators onto the farmer's property to get a crop sample which will be analyzed to see if it is a Monsanto GMO.  This is not limited to the farmers who buy the GMO seeds directly.  The Monsanto GMO pollen can be carried by the wind to neighboring farms who don't want to grow GMO crops.  When Monsanto has found GMO crops grown from the seed these farmers have saved and subsequently planted, Monsanto has pursued legal damages from them, as well.
      The Grocery Manufacturers Association has introduced a bill (HR 4432) in Congress that would block states from enacting GE food labeling laws.  It would give the FDA the exclusive power to decide if a GE food should be labeled.  If the FDA deems the product safe, the manufacturer will not have to label it as a GMO.  (
       Sixty-four countries, including members of the European Union, "enforce consumer 'right to know laws for GE foods" according to the Center for Food Safety    ( international-labeling-laws).
       The issue is a simple one.  Should people have a right to know if the food they are eating contains GMOs or has been produced through means of genetic engineering.
        According to the Organic Consumers Organization (OCA), members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association spent about $68 million just to defeat GMO ballot initiatives in California (Prop 37) and Washington State (I-522).  They tried the same thing in Vermont but failed.  I have read that they plan on challenging the Vermont law in court. Or they may just wait to see if HR4432 passes.
        I will compare this issue to skydiving.  An imperfect analogy but the best I've got at the moment.
Some people are not meant to skydive.  They may have an intuition about it.  Sky-diving enthusiasts will never understand those people.  They will insist your chances of not suffering any ill-effects are 99.5% or whatever.  If I were to force someone who is not meant to skydive, to do it because the danger is minuscule, I would be violating their basic rights. 
       Monsanto and the Manufacturers Association of America wants to coerce people into eating food whose genes have been artificially manipulated through banning mandatory GMO labeling.  This is abusive and a violation of human rights.
       I would feel the same way if the FDA approved adding sawdust from rare tropical forest trees to processed foods as a fiber supplement.  Even if the FDA deemed it safe to eat, I would remain morally bound to boycott that food.  I could not do that if the food containing the offensive ingredient was not labeled as such.  People who don't care have a right to not know what is in the food they eat.  All they have to do is not listen to the information and not read food label information.  People who do care should likewise have the right to know what the food they eat contains.  If you care, take the OCA pledge to boycott products manufactured by those companies opposing mandatory GMO labeling in the United States.
     For some problems there is a scientific solution.  There is also a sensible solution.  They aren't always the same. R.G.                                             

 PLU codes
You may have heard of PLU Codes as a solution to the problem of identifying GMO foods.  According to codes are 4-5 digit numbers placed on fresh fruits and vegetables for the purpose of sorting and check-out.  If the 5-digit code starts with "3" or "4", it indicates the produce was "probably" grown conventionally.  If the five digit code starts with a "9", it means the produce was raised organically.  If it begins with an "8", it indicates GMOs.  In 2010, corn, soybeans, canola, cotton, papaya and squash were the only GMOs being widely sold, according to this article.  
     The problems with relying on PLU codes for GMO info, is that (1)the codes are for use on fresh produce as opposed to processed food and (2)the program is voluntary.  Which means all growers don't use it and (3)GMO growers can use a "3" or "4" instead of an "8".

     prepared by R. Geiger

Saturday, May 24, 2014

C. Why I support GMO labeling


      So what is the rationale for not labeling foods for human consumption grown or raised with GMOs?  In short, the following are four objections or rationales that GMO proponents hold in objecting to GMO labeling:
  1) there is no valid scientific evidence that GMOs are harmful to human health 
  (2) GMO crops make better use of limited resources
  (3) labeling would result in widespread panic
  (4) labeling would raise the expense of food for growers and consumers
 I will respond to each of these claims.   
    Rationale 1.  Those promoting GMOs claim that there is no scientific evidence that GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are harmful to human health. 
My Response.  Since I am not a scientist, there is nothing to be gained from trying to argue this point.  The scientist is always going to sound more convincing than the non-scientist.  What I question is the claim that GMOs (even those not developed yet) have no negative effects on human health.  Period.  This is not a valid scientific nor logical statement.  True science postulates theories.  When most scientists agree with a theory based on the presented physical evidence, the theory is considered to be valid based on the present available data.  A scientific theory is never considered immutable or unchangeable for the rest of time.  Why?  Because new valid data may be uncovered in the future which might contradict the present available data.  When that happens, what was considered a valid scientific theory is invalidated.  For example, at one time the planet Earth was theorized to be flat.  When evidence was presented that the world was actually round, the Flat Earth theory was invalidated.
        In the 1940's, DDT was considered the best thing since buttered toast.  Less than 40 years later its use was banned in this country due to a public outcry that saved the Bald Eagle and the Peregrine  Falcon from extinction.
      Pre-1960 theory: Artificial food colorings derived from coal tar are inert substances that will not interact with physical bodies.  Red Dye #1 was banned in 1960 as a suspected carcinogen.
      Based on scientific testing, it was theorized that the following prescription drugs were safe for general use:  MERIDIA (banned 2010), ZELNOAM (banned 2007), TEQUIN (banned 2006),  BEXTRA (banned 2005), VIOXX (banned 2004), BAYCOL (banned 2001), PROPOLSIA (banned 2000), REZULIN (banned 2000), RAXAR (banned 1999), REDUX (banned 1997), AVANDIA (use restricted 2010).  These are the marketed drugs deemed unsafe for unrestricted use from just 1997-2010 by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
    Scientists theorizing that a chemical or biological agent is safe for human consumption, won't prevent that agent from harming you.  The same is true of GMOs.
      The claim that GMOs are perfectly harmless is based on the available scientific research published in scientific journals.  Can that published GMO research be trusted? An article in the August, 2009 issue of Scientific American ( questions the objectivity of published GMO research.
This peer-reviewed published research approved by the seed companies as well as research from the companies' own scientists is what the FDA uses to determine if GMOs are safe.  Who in the FDA makes those determinations?  Check out the article at
It documents the various high-ranking Monsanto employees that have been appointed to positions of responsibility in the FDA and the Department of Agriculture by Presidents Clinton and Obama.
One example is described  by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA)   (  Margaret Miller, a Monsanto researcher, contributed to a research report on a genetically engineered bovine growth hormone for the FDA.  Shortly before the report was submitted to the FDA, Miller was hired by the FDA.  Her first job was to review the same report.  The artificial hormone was subsequently approved by the FDA.  The FDA official who decided milk produced from cows given the hormone would not have to be labeled was a former Monsanto lawyer.
   In an article entitled "Critics Slam Obama For 'Protecting' Monsanto" by Lindsey Boerma, CBS News (March 28, 2013) (, it was reported that a provision was surreptitiously included in a 2013 budget bill which "protects genetically modified seeds from litigation suits over health risks posed by the crops' consumption."  That should have read "protects the manufacturer" (one of which is Monsanto).  If Monsanto is so convinced that GMOs are safe, I can't help wondering why they would be worried about losing law suits.  In their defense, it is costly even for a multi-billion dollar international corporation to defend itself in court.  On the other hand, I can't imagine Congress taking away the right of American citizens to sue car companies that decide to suppress information about safety defects rather than issuing prompt recalls. 
   For some problems there is a scientific solution.  There is also a sensible solution.  They aren't always the same.                                                         Richard Geiger 

Rationale 2.  The GMO backers claim that Genetically Modified crops make better use of the limited resources of land, water and fertilizer.
      My Response: In fact, all physical resources on the planet are limited.  The intended implication is that there is not enough land, water and fertilizer to feed everyone on the planet.  But actually, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (, "one third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally."  That amounts to 1.3 billion tons annually.  On October 21, 2013 the FAO Director-General Jose' Grozianoda Silva said, "If we reduce food loss and waste to zero it would give us additional food to feed two billion people."  According to FAO 1.15 billion of the earth's people were undernourished from 2011-2013.  So, if all food loss and waste were prevented, there would be more than enough food produced to feed everyone.  It follows that there must be enough land, water and fertilizer to produce more than enough food to feed everyone.   The problem of undernourishment is not due to limited resources.  It is due to other factors involving distribution, preservation, pricing, etc.
      There would be more arable (suitable for planting) land, particularly in this country, if the same class that is making millions from GMOs had  not made millions more by constructing shopping malls and housing projects on perfectly fertile farm land all over this country.  (According to American Farmland Trust  at between 1982 and 2007, 45,404,300 acres of U.S. agricultural land was converted to developed uses.)
       There would be more fresh water if everyone would stop wasting it.  There would be more water available for agriculture in North America if 90% of the wetlands in the U.S. and Canada had not been drained and converted to other uses (source - FAO).  The drought conditions we are experiencing world-wide is probably the result of the increased rate of global warming.  The increased rate of Global Warming (climate change) is due mostly to the combustion of  fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas).  Instead of building oil pipelines all over the country, perhaps we should build water pipelines between areas of the country that are prone to flooding and those areas stricken with drought.   It would happen if someone could figure out how to make millions in profit from doing it.  According to the U.N. ( the U.S. throws away 30% of all the food it produces.  The largest human use of water is agriculture.  An estimated 50% of the water used to produce this wasted food is itself wasted.
      Human produced chemical fertilizers would not be necessary if we did not throw so much yard waste/nutrient-rich food/food waste/animal and human waste into landfills instead of converting it to fertilizer.   If the population continues to increase, there may indeed be resource shortages.   If GMOs are perfectly safe and cheap and good for the environment, fewer people will die from starvation.  The more people that survive to child-bearing age, the faster the world population will increase. Feeding the hungry does not solve the other problems resulting from overpopulation.
      The big agrochemical companies also claim that GMOs decrease the need for pesticides.  That is because they can genetically engineer the seed to produce pesticides that are lethal to specific insect pests.  So while GMO food may have less chemical pesticide residue on it, the pesticide is in some of the GMO food that we consume. There are also reports of  "Super Pests", insects that have developed an immunity to the genetically engineered pesticides in specific GMO crops.
      Then there is the problem of Superweeds.  Superweeds are a dozen species of weeds that have developed an immunity to Monsanto's Rodeo Roundup herbicide.  They are tougher and bigger than their non-genetically modified relatives.  They have been known to damage farm equipment.   Of course, they also deprive the crop of needed moisture and nutrients.  To control Superweeds farmers use stronger combinations of herbicides.  (
Rationale 3.  Proponents of GMOs claim that letting people know which foods contain GMOs would result in widespread panic.
      My Response:  I am aware of no research that suggests that the level of concern most Americans have for their health would rise to the level of panic due to food labeling.   An article at by Dr. Sanjay Gupta refers to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association that found that only 43.8 % of people pay attention to health claims on food labels.
       I read the ingredients on all food I purchase.  I don't like consuming any man-made chemicals not found in nature.  If food can be produced without artificial colors, flavors and preservatives , then these things do not add to the nutritive value of the food and are unnecessary.  Why should we have to ingest things in our food that Nature never intended?  These artificial chemicals allegedly cause no harm but are listed.  To not list GMOs because they allegedly cause no harm is contradictory and senseless.
       The way to prevent widespread panic or confusion is public education. An Organization (GMA) that spent $68 million to defeat ballot initiatives in California and Washington could easily afford to create a campaign to educate the 43.8% of consumers who pay attention to health claims on food labels.
Rationale 4. GMO supporters claim that labeling would result in economic hardship for consumers as well as growers.
      My Response:  That claim, I suspect, is not based on the expense of writing "This food contains GMOs" on each food label.  I suspect it is more likely that the supporters of GMOs fear that people will opt to buy products without that disclosure statement.  Let's face it. People aren't going to suddenly eat less if GMO labeling is required.  So the problem for GMO backers, growers and users is that their products may be less in demand.  But that is good news for food manufacturers that don't use Genetically Engineered ingredients.  Their products will be more in demand.  The last time I checked we are still supposed to have a free market system in the United States.  That would seem to preclude certain companies from gaining advantages over other companies through government legislation.
      The Grocery Manufacturers Association's (GMA) campaign to defeat state GMO labeling ballot initiatives and to get Congress to take away states' rights to pass GMO regulations suggests that the  GMA does not believe in a free market system.  If the GMA succeeds, consumers will be deprived of their right to know what they are eating. 
     The GMA favors federal legislation that would empower the FDA to require labeling of specific GMOs that pose a danger to human health.  This would mean all GMOs would not have to be labeled.  I can't help wondering why the FDA would allow foods to be sold that they know endanger human health.  This proposed legislation is nothing but a ploy to prevent GMO labeling.
     This is additional information as of 6/20/14.  I have finally discovered the rationale for claiming extra expense due to GMO labeling.  The rationale is based on the idea that a number of states would have different GMO labeling requirements, thus requiring manufacturers to create different labels for each state.  This would be inefficient except for the fact that a label that would  comply with the strictest state requirements would comply with the states with less strict requirements.  If one or more states required info that none of the others required, it could still appear on all labels.  This would result in a standard label that would meet all state requirements.  No problem with inefficiency.  Nor would this objection be relevant to a national standard mandatory labeling of all foods containing GMOs. 
        In regard to the claim that GMOs make products more affordable, according to,superweeds (which require more herbicide to kill) have increased the cost of growing cotton from between $50-$75/hectare a few years ago to $370/hectare.  Growing soybeans in Illinois used to cost $25/hectare.  That has increased to $160/hectare.  That extra expense means higher prices for consumers.
        I think it's ironic that to avoid GMO consumption without labeling, the alternative is to eat organic.  Organic produce, unless one grows it oneself, is more expensive than non-organic.  The irony is that people who are profiting the most from GMOs are the same people who can more easily afford to purchase organically grown food.
        Another related fact is that when GMO pollen blows into an organic farm and pollinates the organic crop,  that crop can not be sold as organic.  This factor decreases the available supply of organic produce, as well as doing economic damage to the organic farm.
        Monsanto's ambition is not limited to America.  An article from Rueters announced a plan coordinated by the Obama Administration for companies like Monsanto to invest billions of dollars to "improve" agriculture in Africa.  Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, a policy think tank, said, "The problem is all this is based on large-scale commercial agriculture. Who does it benefit? All of these things are supporting the formation of large-scale commercial agriculture, which will hurt small farmers. They could spend far less but focus on providing credit facilities, ensuring open markets and ensuring the rights of small holder farmers." (
      This grand plan for Africa will result in wealthy landowners raising large GMO mono crops and Monsanto making additional millions of dollars.

                                                                  IN CONCLUSION
So, where does that leave us?    We have a large multi-billion dollar multi-national company, Monsanto, that virtually controls the FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture making false, misleading and unsupportable claims in order to keep profiting from its patented seeds and agro-chemicals.
     The objective of Monsanto, many believe, is to control human life on the planet. He who controls the food supply, controls life.  If  and when the majority of farmers on earth are all raising GMO produce, they will be completely dependent on Monsanto or a similar company, not
only for the seeds for each growing season but also for the chemical fertilizers/herbicides that are designed to work with those particular seeds.
     The issue is a simple one.  Should people have a right to know if the food they are eating contains GMOs or has been produced through means of genetic engineering?  Sixty -four countries, including members of the European Union, "enforce consumer 'right to know' laws for GE foods" according to the Center for Food Safety  ( international-labeling-laws).
       I compare this issue to skydiving.  An imperfect analogy but the best I've got at the moment.
Some people are not meant to skydive.  They may have an intuition about it.  Sky-diving enthusiasts will never understand those people.  They will insist your chances of not suffering any ill-effects are 99.5% or whatever.  If I were to force someone who is not meant to skydive, to do it because the danger is minuscule, I would be violating their basic rights. 
       Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association want to coerce people into eating food whose genes have been artificially manipulated by banning mandatory GMO labeling.  This is abusive and a violation of human rights.
       I would feel the same way if the FDA approved adding sawdust from rare tropical forest trees to processed foods as a fiber supplement.  Even if the FDA deemed it safe to eat, I would remain morally bound to boycott that food.  I could not do that if the food containing the offensive ingredient was not labeled as such.  People who don't care, have a right to not know what is in the food they eat.  All they have to do is not listen to the information and not read food labels.  People who do care should likewise have the right to know what the food they eat contains.
       Is this the most pressing problem today?  Probably not, by itself.  It is, however, one aspect of a very serious problem that the main stream media chooses to ignore.  That problem is sometimes called Plutocracy.  Others prefer the term Oligarchy.  It boils down to those with the greatest wealth getting wealthier by means of controlling the government, while those with the least wealth and power get poorer and more powerless. 
       I support people's right to know what's in their food. I favor the labeling of every man-made substance not found in Nature that is in or on the food we eat.  "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing". 
                                                                                                                                     Edmund Burke
                              What have I done about it?
     There are people who, upon reading and understanding the issue will claim they can't do anything about the problem.  So, this is what I have done. 
       There is a pledge at sponsored by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) to boycott the companies that belong to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).  I have taken that pledge.  I also listed the most popular companies and some of the brands familiar to me in a Daily Kos diary. This way the reader can contribute to the boycott even if he/she can't sign the pledge.
       I have published other diaries concerning GMOs on Daily Kos.    
       I wrote "GMO Opinionated Fact Sheet" and "GMOs and Human Rights", made about 140 copies of each so far and have been passing/mailing them to others.  I also sent them to each of my State and Federal congressional representatives and to Mrs. Obama.  I am also in the process of e-mailing the companies on the above-mentioned list whose products I have previously purchased to let them know why I will no longer be using those products.  Examples follow:

To: Colgate-Palmolive

I have been using nothing but Ajax for Dishes since the 1970s when Consumer Reports found that it was the most economical product for its use. I have been buying Colgate toothpaste for several years now for myself and lately for my significant other as well.  I am sorry to have to inform you that I will not be buying these nor any other Colgate-Palmolive products henceforth.  Your membership in the  Grocery Manufacturer's Association supports that organization's efforts to deprive Americans of their right to know what is in the food they purchase.  I appreciate the quality of your products, but I choose not to help finance the effort to deprive my fellow citizens of their right to know.  I will also be encouraging others to boycott Colgate-Palmolive products unless and until you terminate your membership in GMA and support GMO labeling.
To: Pepsi Co.
I contacted you a few weeks ago about GMOs.  I have yet to hear back with any answer, reasonable or otherwise.  I want to inform you that even though I used to buy several Pepsis every week and used to eat Quaker Oats and even Frito-Lays on occasion, I will no longer be purchasing your products and will be encouraging others to boycott as well.  Since you spent $4.8 million to help defeat GMO food labeling voter initiatives in California and Washington,you do not deserve the support of those whose rights you would deprive.  If you decide to renounce your membership in the Grocery Manufacturer's Association and publicly support GMO food labeling, let me know.  I still am thirsting for a pepsi.

To: Coca-Cola Co.
I am very disappointed that your company spent $3.2 million to help defeat GMO food labeling voter initiatives in Washington and California.  I will no longer be contributing to your financial ability to take away the right of American citizens to know what is in their food. No more Coke or Minute Maid fruit juice for me and mine.  I will encourage others to boycott your products as well.  Should you decide to renounce the Grocery Manufacturer's Association and publicly support mandatory GMO labeling, please let me know.  I'm going to miss my Minute Maid.

To: Nestle Co.
I am confused.  According to your website you are working to let consumers know when your products use GMO's in significant amounts.  Your website also states that you support consumers' right to know what is in their food.  So why would Nestle have contributed/spent $3 million to help defeat GMO labeling ballot initiatives in California (Prop 37) and in Washington State (I-522)?  Seems contradictory or at least hypocritical.  (Does explain the rising cost of your chocolate bars.)  
       I understand Nestle belongs to the mega lobbying group Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) which is is in the process of suing Vermont over its mandatory labeling law.  Again, hypocritical.  Inspite of what your website states, the actions of Nestle Company suggest that you are against mandatory GMO labeling and therefore, opposed to consumers' right to know.  Although I have enjoyed Nestle Almond and Crunch bars, have purchased Purina One for the cat, and Lean Cuisine dinners for my significant other, I regretfully will not be using your products while Nestle remains a member of GMA.

To: Hershey's
I have enjoyed your products for many years.  I am fussy about what I eat.  I tend to avoid artificial additives.  It's not easy finding products without artificial colors and preservatives.  Some of your candy (Hershey's with Almonds, Mr. Goodbar, Kisses, most Reese's), your chocolate syrup and Shell (only found recently)  fit the bill for me for many, many years.  Makes my mouth water just to think about.  Now, however, I find out that you spent $888,000 helping to defeat GMO labeling initiatives in California (Prop 37) and Washington state (I-522).  You belong to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), a giant lobby, which led the offensive against the consumers' right to know in these states and is now suing the state of Vermont over its mandatory GMO labeling law.
       If  Hershey's decides to quit the GMA and openly support consumers' right to know what is in their food, let me know.  I have been craving some Hershey's chocolate.  But I refuse to support your company with my purchasing power as that amounts to supporting efforts to take away consumers' right to know.

Reply to Hershey's:

Thank you for responding to my concerns about GMOs.  I can understand your concern about the inefficiency of individual states having different requirements for GMO  Labeling and the added expense to food manufacturers.  So the question for consumers is how much are we willing to spend to protect our right to know what we are eating?  For you, the question is what prices will the market bare before product consumption starts to decrease? 
      The concern over GMOs is growing.  It may be cheaper for the food industry to shelve the whole idea for now.
      Failing that, demand standard mandatory GMO labeling for all foods in the U.S. regardless of health or environmental risks.  Think of it as consumers' right to know.  Since this is a possibility, your argument about individual states with different requirements is weak at best.  Another reason it is not convincing, is that by complying with the states with the strictest regulations, you would be in compliance with those states with weaker regulations.  No need for inefficiency at all.

 To Welch Foods: 

I have always loved Welch's Concord Grape Juice. I have joined the boycott of products made by about 300 companies that are opposed to mandatory GMO labeling.  Please let me know if you decide to reject the GMA and support universal standard GMO labeling.

To Sunoco:
I have pledged to boycott products of companies that do not want GMO labeling on food.  I  just realized that that will include Sunoco gas!  This is hugely disturbing to me.  I thought Sunoco was one of the good petro-chemical companies.  Your  company has not spilt huge quantities of oil into the environment like BP and Exxon have, as far as I know.  You aren't threatening the fragile eco-system in Alaska like Shell is.  Why don't you want people to have the right to know what they are eating?  You probably belong to the Grocery Manufacturers Association which means some of the $68 miilion dollars GMA spent defeating ballot initiatives in Washington and California came from Sunoco.  I hope you think it was worth it.  Until you quit GMA and publicly express your support of American consumers' right to know what they are eating, I will not be buying any more of your gas and will encourage others to follow suit.

To McDonald's:
I am curious as to how you rationalize your concern with sustainability, community, health, etc. and yet oppose people's right to know what they are eating.  I suppose you belong to the Grocery Manufacturers Association lobby which has spent millions trying to prevent mandatory GMO labeling on food, thus denying consumers right to choose.  Here's where you tell me that GMOs are perfectly safe for human consumption just like every one believed DDT was perfectly harmless in 1940.  That is not the point.  Artificial food colors are supposedly safe. I thank God that they are listed on labels so that I don't have to consume them inadvertently.  I will not do anything to support the maker of saccharine, PCBs and Agent Orange, let alone GMOs.  Why do you oppose my right to take that stand?  As long as you belong to GMA and oppose people's right to know what they are eating, I will not be eating at McDonald's and will encourage others not to eat there as well.
   What is the rationale for not labeling foods for human consumption grown or raised with GMOs?   I am aware of at least three objections or rationales that GMO proponents hold in objecting to GMO labeling.  I will respond to each of these claims.   
    Rationale 1.  Those promoting GMOs claim that there is no scientific evidence that GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are harmful to human health. 
My Response.  Since I am not a scientist, there is nothing to be gained from trying to argue this point.  The scientist is always going to sound more convincing than the non-scientist.  What I question is the claim that GMOs (even those not developed yet) have no negative effects on human health.  Period.  This is not a valid scientific nor logical statement.  True science postulates theories.  When most scientists agree with a theory based on the presented physical evidence, the theory is considered to be valid based on the present available data.  A scientific theory is never considered immutable or unchangeable for the rest of time.  Why?  Because new valid data may be uncovered in the future which might contradict the present available data.  When that happens, what was considered a valid scientific theory is invalidated.  For example, at one time the planet Earth was theorized to be flat.  When evidence was presented that the world was actually round, the Flat Earth theory was invalidated.
        In the 1940's, DDT was considered the best thing since buttered toast.  Less than 40 years later its use was banned in this country due to a public outcry that saved the Bald Eagle and the Peregrine  Falcon from extinction.
      Pre-1960 theory: Artificial food colorings derived from coal tar are inert substances that will not interact with physical bodies.  Red Dye #1 was banned in 1960 as a suspected carcinogen.
      Based on scientific testing, it was theorized that the following prescription drugs were safe for general use:  MERIDIA (banned 2010), ZELNOAM (banned 2007), TEQUIN (banned 2006),  BEXTRA (banned 2005), VIOXX (banned 2004), BAYCOL (banned 2001), PROPOLSIA (banned 2000), REZULIN (banned 2000), RAXAR (banned 1999), REDUX (banned 1997), AVANDIA (use restricted 2010
    Scientists theorizing that a chemical or biological agent is environmentally harmless or safe for human consumption is not a product guarantee.  The same is true of GMOs.
      The claim that GMOs are perfectly harmless is based on the available scientific research published in scientific journals.  Can that published GMO research be trusted? An article in the August, 2009 issue of Scientific American ( questions the objectivity of published GMO research.   This peer-reviewed published research approved by the seed companies as well as research from the companies' own scientists is what the FDA uses to determine if GMOs are safe.  Who in the FDA makes those determinations?  Check out the article at
It documents the various high-ranking Monsanto employees that have been appointed to positions of responsibility in the FDA and the Department of Agriculture by Presidents Clinton and Obama.
One example is described  by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA)   (  Margaret Miller, a Monsanto researcher, contributed to a research report on a genetically engineered bovine growth hormone for the FDA.  Shortly before the report was submitted to the FDA, Miller was hired by the FDA.  Her first job was to review the same report.  The artificial hormone was subsequently approved by the FDA.  The FDA official who decided milk produced from cows given the hormone would not have to be labeled was a former Monsanto lawyer.
       I don't like consuming any man-made chemicals, such as artificial colors, not found in nature.  These artificial chemicals allegedly cause no harm but are listed on food labels.  To not list GMOs because they allegedly cause no harm is contradictory and senseless.
   For some problems there is a scientific solution.  There is also a sensible solution.  They aren't always the same.                                                         Richard Geiger 

Rationale 2.  The GMO backers claim that Genetically Modified crops make better use of the limited resources of land, water and fertilizer.
      My Response: In fact, all physical resources on the planet are limited.  The intended implication is that there is not enough land, water and fertilizer to feed everyone on the planet.  But actually, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (, "one third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally."  That amounts to 1.3 billion tons annually.  On October 21, 2013 the FAO Director-General Jose' Grozianoda Silva said, "If we reduce food loss and waste to zero it would give us additional food to feed two billion people."  According to FAO 1.15 billion of the earth's people were undernourished from 2011-2013.  So, if all food loss and waste were prevented, there would be more than enough food produced to feed everyone.  The problem of undernourishment is not due to limited resources.  It is due to other factors involving distribution, preservation, pricing, etc.
      There would be more arable (suitable for planting) land, particularly in this country, if the same class that is making millions from GMOs had  not made millions more by constructing shopping malls and housing projects on perfectly fertile farm land all over this country.  (According to American Farmland Trust  at between 1982 and 2007, 45,404,300 acres of U.S. agricultural land was converted to developed uses.)
       There would be more fresh water if everyone would stop wasting it.  There would be more water available for agriculture in North America if 90% of the wetlands in the U.S. and Canada had not been drained and converted to other uses (source - FAO).  Worldwide drought conditions are probably the result of the increased rate of global warming.  Instead of building oil pipelines all over the country, perhaps we should build water pipelines between areas of the country that are prone to flooding and those areas stricken with drought.   It would happen if someone could figure out how to make millions in profit from doing it
      Human produced chemical fertilizers would not be necessary if we did not throw so much yard waste/nutrient-rich food/food waste/animal and human waste into landfills instead of converting it to fertilizer.   If the population continues to increase, there may indeed be resource shortages.   If GMOs are perfectly safe and cheap and good for the environment, fewer people will die from starvation.  The more people that survive to child-bearing age, the faster the world population will increase.  Feeding the hungry does not solve the other problems resulting from overpopulation.
      The big agrochemical companies also claim that GMOs decrease the need for pesticides.  That is because they can genetically engineer crops to produce pesticides that are lethal to specific insect pests.  So while GMO food may have less chemical pesticide residue on it, the pesticide is in some of the GMO food that we consume. There are also reports of "Super Pests", insects that have developed  immunity to the genetically engineered pesticides in specific GMO crops.
      Then there is the problem of Superweeds.  Superweeds are a dozen species of weeds that have developed an immunity to Monsanto's Rodeo Roundup herbicide.  They are tougher and bigger than their non-genetically modified relatives.  They have been known to damage farm equipment.   Of course, they also deprive the crop of needed moisture and nutrients.  To control Superweeds farmers use stronger combinations of herbicides.  (
Rationale 3. GMO supporters claim that labeling would result in economic hardship for consumers as well as growers.
      My Response:  That claim, I suspect, is not based on the expense of writing "This food contains GMOs" on each food label.  I understand that GMO proponents are, as of this month (Junes, 2014), in process of suing the state of Vermont over their mandatory GMO-labeling law.  Their argument is that if each state is permitted to pass such laws it will increase the expense of food manufacturers who will have to make different labels for each state.  They claim that would be inefficient and would increase the cost of food.
     It may occur to you that Vermont may be the first and last state to pass such a law and, if that  is the case, the food manufacturers would have the choice of not selling GMO food in Vermont, thus avoiding the need and extra expense of changing a single label.  But let's give them the benefit of assuming different states will come up with different labeling laws.  The simple solution would be a standardized federal mandatory labeling of all GMOs in food.  The Grocery Manufacturer's Association does not favor that solution.  They want no labeling at all.
     There is also another solution which would prevent inefficiency without the benefit of  a federal law.  Let's say that some states would require the letters "GMO" to appear in as bold GMO.  Another state wants italicized GMO.  Four other states require the letters to be enlarged: GMO.  The solution?  "GMO" satisfies all three sets of state requirements.  Let's say another state requires that the type of GMO be included.  All labels in all states could include that information.
      The alleged problem of ineffeciency in labeling GMOs can be easily overcome.  So what is the real issue?  Let's face it.  People aren't going to suddenly eat less if GMO labeling is required.  So the problem for GMO backers, growers and users is that their products may be less in demand.  But that is good news for food manufacturers that don't use Genetically Engineered ingredients.  Their products will be more in demand.  The last time I checked we are still supposed to have a free market system in the United States.  That would seem to preclude certain companies from gaining advantages over other companies through government legislation.

      The Grocery Manufacturers Association's (GMA) campaign to defeat state GMO labeling ballot initiatives and to get Congress to take away states' rights to pass GMO regulations suggests that the  GMA does not believe in a free market system.  If the GMA succeeds, consumers will be deprived of their right to know what they are eating.  

        In regard to the claim that GMOs make products more affordable, according to,Superweeds  have increased the cost of growing cotton from between $50-$75/hectare a few years ago to $370/hectare.  Growing soybeans in Illinois used to cost $25/hectare.  That has increased to $160/hectare.  That extra expense means higher prices for consumers.
        I think it's ironic that to avoid GMO consumption without labeling, the alternative is to eat organic.  Organic produce, unless one grows it oneself, is more expensive than non-organic.  The irony is that people who are profiting the most from GMOs are the same people who can more easily afford to purchase organically grown food.
        Another related fact is that when GMO pollen blows into an organic farm and pollinates the organic crop, that crop can not be sold as organic.  This factor decreases the available supply of organic produce, as well as doing economic damage to the organic farm.
        Monsanto's ambition is not limited to America.  An article from Rueters announced a plan coordinated by the Obama Administration for companies like Monsanto to invest billions of dollars to "improve" agriculture in Africa.  Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, a policy think tank, said, "The problem is all this is based on large-scale commercial agriculture. Who does it benefit? All of these things are supporting the formation of large-scale commercial agriculture, which will hurt small farmers. They could spend far less but focus on providing credit facilities, ensuring open markets and ensuring the rights of small holder farmers." (
      This grand plan for Africa will result in wealthy landowners raising large GMO mono crops and Monsanto making additional millions of dollars.
                                                                    IN CONCLUSION
So, where does that leave us?    We have a large multi-billion dollar multi-national company, Monsanto, that virtually controls the FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture making false, misleading and unsupportable claims in order to keep profiting from its patented seeds and agro-chemicals.
     The objective of Monsanto, many believe, is to control human life on the planet. He who controls the food supply, controls life.  If  and when the majority of farmers on earth are all raising GMO produce, they will be completely dependent on Monsanto or a similar company, not
only for the seeds for each growing season but also for the chemical fertilizers/herbicides that are designed to work with those particular seeds.
     The issue is a simple one.  Should people have a right to know if the food they are eating contains GMOs or has been produced through means of genetic engineering?  Sixty -four countries, including members of the European Union, "enforce consumer 'right to know' laws for GE foods" according to the Center for Food Safety  ( international-labeling-laws).
       I compare this issue to skydiving.  An imperfect analogy but the best I've got at the moment.
Some people are not meant to skydive.  They may have an intuition about it.  Sky-diving enthusiasts will never understand those people.  They will insist your chances of not suffering any ill-effects are 99.5% or whatever.  If I were to force someone who is not meant to skydive, to do it because the danger is minuscule, I would be violating their basic rights. 
       Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association want to coerce people into eating food whose genes have been artificially manipulated by banning mandatory GMO labeling.  This is abusive and a violation of human rights.
       I would feel the same way if the FDA approved adding sawdust from rare tropical forest trees to processed foods as a fiber supplement.  Even if the FDA deemed it safe to eat, I would remain morally bound to boycott that food.  I could not do that if the food containing the offensive ingredient was not labeled as such.   
       Is this the most pressing problem today?  Probably not, by itself.  It is, however, one aspect of a very serious problem that the main stream media chooses to ignore.  That problem is sometimes called Plutocracy.  Others prefer the term Oligarchy.  It boils down to those with the greatest wealth getting wealthier by means of controlling the government, while those with the least wealth and power get poorer and more powerless. 
       I support people's right to know what's in their food. I favor the labeling of every man-made substance not found in Nature that is in or on the food we eat.  "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing". 
                                                                                                                                     Edmund Burke
                                    What have I done about it?
     There are people who, upon reading and understanding the issue will claim they can't do anything about the problem.  So, this is what I have done. 
       There is a pledge at sponsored by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) to boycott the companies that belong to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).  I have taken that pledge.  I also listed the most popular companies and some of the brands familiar to me in a Daily Kos diary. This way the reader can contribute to the boycott even if he/she can't sign the pledge.
       I have published other diaries concerning GMOs on Daily Kos.    
       I wrote "GMO Opinionated Fact Sheet" and "GMOs and Human Rights", made about 140 copies of each so far and have been passing/mailing them to others.  I also sent them to each of my State and Federal congressional representatives and to Mrs. Obama.  I am also in the process of e-mailing the companies on the above-mentioned list whose products I have previously purchased to let them know why I will no longer be using those products.                                              Prepared by R. Geiger 6/15/14

   With the reasonable, I will reason.  With the humane, I will plead.  But with tyrants , I will yield no ground, waste no argument.                                                              William Loyd Garrison

    The purpose of this third Genetic Modified Organism (GMO) handout is not to reason with nor to argue with the tyrannical  pro-GMO/anti-labeling proponents.   If you are as open-minded as I am the rationales for not labeling GMOs in food presented by agro-industry scientists and the government (possibly including your own representatives) can sound so convincing as to make one wonder if there is any rational reason for labeling GMO foods.  
   I will present three rationales used by GMO proponents and respond to each in order to expose the less than substantial ground on which they rest.  
    Rationale 1.  Those promoting GMOs claim that there is no scientific evidence that GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are harmful to human health. 
   My Response.  I question the claim that GMOs (even those not developed yet) have no negative effects on human health.  Period.  This is not a valid scientific nor logical statement.  True science postulates theories.  When most scientists agree with a theory based on the presented physical evidence, the theory is considered to be valid based on the present available data.  A scientific theory is never considered immutable or unchangeable for the rest of time.  Why?  Because new valid data may be uncovered in the future which might contradict the present available data.  When that happens, what was considered a valid scientific theory is invalidated.  For example, at one time the planet Earth was theorized to be flat.  When evidence was presented that the world was actually round, the Flat Earth theory was invalidated.
        In the 1940's, DDT was considered the best thing since buttered toast.  Less than 40 years later its use was banned in this country due to a public outcry that saved the Bald Eagle and the Peregrine  Falcon from extinction.
      Pre-1960 theory: Artificial food colorings derived from coal tar are inert substances that will not interact with physical bodies.  Red Dye #1 was banned in 1960 as a suspected carcinogen.
      Based on scientific testing, it was theorized that the following prescription drugs were safe for general use:  MERIDIA (banned 2010), ZELNOAM (banned 2007), TEQUIN (banned 2006),  BEXTRA (banned 2005), VIOXX (banned 2004), BAYCOL (banned 2001), PROPOLSIA (banned 2000), REZULIN (banned 2000), RAXAR (banned 1999), REDUX (banned 1997), AVANDIA (use restricted 2010
    Scientists theorizing that a chemical or biological agent is environmentally harmless or safe for human consumption is not a product guarantee.  It is possible that GMOs may one day be banned.  The difference between GMOs and artificial food color is that the presence of that ingredient is listed on the label.  So the consumer can choose to not consume it.  Not so with unlabeled GMOs.
      The claim that GMOs are perfectly harmless is based on the available scientific research published in scientific journals.  Can that published GMO research be trusted? An article in the August, 2009 issue of Scientific American ( questions the objectivity of published GMO research.   This peer-reviewed published research approved by the seed companies as well as research from the companies' own scientists is what the FDA uses to determine if GMOs are safe.  Who in the FDA makes those determinations?  Check out the article at
It documents the various high-ranking Monsanto employees that have been appointed to positions of responsibility in the FDA and the Department of Agriculture by Presidents Clinton and Obama.
One example is described  by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA)   (  Margaret Miller, a Monsanto researcher, contributed to a research report on a genetically engineered bovine growth hormone for the FDA.  Shortly before the report was submitted to the FDA, Miller was hired by the FDA.  Her first job was to review the same report.  The artificial hormone was subsequently approved by the FDA.  The FDA official who decided milk produced from cows given the hormone would not have to be labeled was a former Monsanto lawyer.
       I don't like consuming any man-made chemicals, such as artificial colors, not found in nature.  These artificial chemicals allegedly cause no harm but are listed on food labels.  To not list GMOs because they allegedly cause no harm is contradictory and senseless.
   For some problems there is a scientific solution.  There is also a sensible solution.  They aren't always the same.                                                                                                                                                                        Richard Geiger 

      Rationale 2.  The GMO backers claim that Genetically Modified crops make better use of the limited resources of land, water and fertilizer.
      My Response: In fact, all physical resources on the planet are limited.  The intended implication is that there is not enough land, water and fertilizer to feed everyone on the planet.  But actually, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (, "one third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally."  That amounts to 1.3 billion tons annually.  On October 21, 2013 the FAO Director-General Jose' Grozianoda Silva said, "If we reduce food loss and waste to zero it would give us additional food to feed two billion people."  According to FAO 1.15 billion of the earth's people were undernourished from 2011-2013.  So, if all food loss and waste were prevented, there would be more than enough food produced to feed everyone.  The problem of undernourishment is not due to limited resources.  It is due to other factors involving distribution, preservation, pricing, etc.

Rationale 3. GMO supporters claim that labeling would result in economic hardship for consumers as well as growers.
      My Response:  That claim, I suspect, is not based on the expense of writing "This food contains GMOs" on each food label.  I understand that GMO proponents are, as of this month (June, 2014), in process of suing the state of Vermont over their mandatory GMO-labeling law.  Their argument is that if each state is permitted to pass such laws it will increase the expense of food manufacturers who will have to make different labels for each state.  They claim that would be inefficient and would increase the cost of food.
     It may occur to you that Vermont may be the first and last state to pass such a law and, if that  is the case, the food manufacturers would have the choice of not selling GMO food in Vermont, thus avoiding the need and extra expense of changing a single label.  But let's give them the benefit of assuming different states will come up with different labeling laws.  The simple solution would be a standardized federal mandatory labeling of all GMOs in food.  The Grocery Manufacturer's Association does not favor that solution.  They want no labeling at all.
     There is also another solution which would prevent inefficiency without the benefit of  a federal law.  Let's say that some states would require the letters GMO to appear in bold letters as "GMO".  Another state wants GMO italicized.  Four other states require the letters to be enlarged: GMO.  The solution?  "GMO" satisfies all three sets of state requirements.  Let's say another state requires that the type of GMO be included.  All labels in all states could include that information.
      The alleged problem of ineffeciency in labeling GMOs can be easily overcome.  So what is the real issue?  Let's face it.  People aren't going to suddenly eat less if GMO labeling is required.  So the problem for GMO backers, growers and users is that their products may be less in demand.  But that is good news for food manufacturers that don't use Genetically Engineered ingredients.  Their products will be more in demand.  The last time I checked we are still supposed to have a free market system in the United States.  That would seem to preclude certain companies from gaining advantages over other companies through government legislation.
      The GMA's campaign to defeat state GMO labeling ballot initiatives and to get Congress to take away states' rights to pass GMO regulations suggests that the  GMA does not believe in a free market system.  If the GMA succeeds, consumers will be deprived of their right to know what they are eating.
      In regard to the claim that GMOs make products more affordable, according to,Superweeds  have increased the cost of growing cotton from between $50-$75/hectare a few years ago to $370/hectare.  Growing soybeans in Illinois used to cost $25/hectare.  That has increased to $160/hectare.  That extra expense means higher prices for consumers.
        I think it's ironic that to avoid GMO consumption without labeling, the alternative is to eat organic.  Organic produce, unless one grows it oneself, is more expensive than non-organic.  The irony is that people who are profiting the most from GMOs are the same people who can more easily afford to purchase organically grown food.
        Another related fact is that when GMO pollen blows into an organic farm and pollinates the organic crop, that crop can not be sold as organic.  This factor decreases the available supply of organic produce, as well as doing economic damage to the organic farm.
        Monsanto's ambition is not limited to America.  An article from Rueters announced a plan coordinated by the Obama Administration for companies like Monsanto to invest billions of dollars to "improve" agriculture in Africa.  Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, a policy think tank, said, "The problem is all this is based on large-scale commercial agriculture. Who does it benefit? All of these things are supporting the formation of large-scale commercial agriculture, which will hurt small farmers. They could spend far less but focus on providing credit facilities, ensuring open markets and ensuring the rights of small holder farmers." (
      This grand plan for Africa will result in wealthy landowners raising large GMO mono crops and Monsanto making additional millions of dollars.
In Conclusion
So, where does that leave us?    We have a large multi-billion dollar multi-national company, Monsanto, that virtually controls the FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture making false, misleading and unsupportable claims in order to keep profiting from its patented seeds and agro-chemicals.
     The objective of Monsanto, many believe, is to control human life on the planet. He who controls the food supply, controls life.  If  and when the majority of farmers on earth are all raising GMO produce, they will be completely dependent on Monsanto or a similar company, not
only for the seeds for each growing season but also for the chemical fertilizers/herbicides that are designed to work with those particular seeds.
     The issue is a simple one.  Should people have a right to know if the food they are eating contains GMOs or has been produced through means of genetic engineering?  Sixty -four countries, including members of the European Union, "enforce consumer 'right to know' laws for GE foods" according to the Center for Food Safety  ( international-labeling-laws).
       I compare this issue to skydiving.  An imperfect analogy but the best I've got at the moment.
Some people are not meant to skydive.  They may have an intuition about it.  Sky-diving enthusiasts will never understand those people.  They will insist your chances of not suffering any ill-effects are 99.5% or whatever.  If I were to force someone who is not meant to skydive, to do it because the danger is miniscule, I would be violating their basic rights. 
       Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association want to coerce people into eating food whose genes have been artificially manipulated by banning mandatory GMO labeling.  This is abusive and a violation of human rights.
       I would feel the same way if the FDA approved adding sawdust from rare tropical forest trees to processed foods as a fiber supplement.  Even if the FDA deemed it safe to eat, I would remain morally bound to boycott that food.  I could not do that if the food containing the offensive ingredient was not labeled as such.   
       Is this the most pressing problem today?  Probably not, by itself.  It is, however, one aspect of a very serious problem that the main stream media chooses to ignore.  That problem is sometimes called Plutocracy.  Others prefer the term Oligarchy.  It boils down to those with the greatest wealth getting wealthier by means of controlling the government, while those with the least wealth and power get poorer and more powerless. 
       I support people's right to know what's in their food. I favor the labeling of every man-made substance not found in Nature that is in or on the food we eat.  "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing". 
                                                                                                                                     Edmund Burke
What have I done about it?
     There are people who, upon reading and understanding the issue will claim they can't do anything about the problem.  So, this is what I have done. 
       There is a pledge at sponsored by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) to boycott the companies that belong to the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).  I have taken that pledge.  I also listed the most popular companies and some of the brands familiar to me in a Daily Kos diary. This way the reader can contribute to the boycott even if he/she can't sign the pledge.
       I have published other diaries concerning GMOs on Daily Kos.    
       I wrote "GMO Opinionated Fact Sheet" and "GMOs and Human Rights", made about 140 copies of each so far and have been passing/mailing them to others.  I also sent them to each of my State and Federal congressional representatives and to Mrs. Obama.  I am also in the process of e-mailing the companies on the above-mentioned list whose products I have previously purchased to let them know why I will no longer be using those products.             

You may have heard of PLU Codes as a solution to the problem of identifying GMO foods.  These codes do not make GMO labeling unnecesssary.  According to PLU codes are four or five digit numbers printed on stickers that are placed on fresh fruits and vegetables for the purpose of aiding in sorting and retail check-out.  If the 5 digit code starts with 3 or 4, it indicates that produce was "probably" grown conventionally (using synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, etc. but not genetically engineered).  If the five digit code starts with an "8", it indicates GMOs.  In 2010, corn, soybeans, cotton, canola, papaya, and squash were the only GMOs being widely sold, according to this article.  Today, that list would include beets and alfalfa.
       The problems with relying on PLU codes for GMO identification are the following:
1) The codes are used on fresh produce, not on processed food.
2) Not all produce is coded.
3) The program is voluntary. 
4) #3 means that GMO growers can use a 3 or 4 instead of an 8 on GMO produce.

                   Prepared by R. Geiger